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来源: 最后更新:22-04-18 03:24:18

导读:市场分析:IRELAND - The Chairman of the Irish Farmers Association Pigs Committee, Tom Hogan, has said that the solid demand from processors has resulted in a 2c/kg increase in prices being paid for pigs this week.Strongest demand is reported to be coming fr

  IRELAND - The Chairman of the Irish Farmers Association Pigs Committee, Tom Hogan, has said that the solid demand from processors has resulted in a 2c/kg increase in prices being paid for pigs this week.Strongest demand is reported to be coming from the northern part of the country and across the border in Northern Ireland. Tom Hogan welcomed this increase but called on the processing industry to be mindful of the delicate financial status on pig farms across Ireland, after the well documented difficulties of the past two years. The current price is covering the cost of production, but the financial losses sustained needs to be recouped in 2017 to ensure Ireland’s third largest agricultural sector survives.

Empire CMS,phome.net

  据爱尔兰农场主协会旗下猪肉委员会主席Tom Hogan称,“由于加工商对猪肉的需求稳健,导致本周猪价上涨了2欧分/千克。”爱尔兰北部与整个北爱尔兰边境都报道了强劲的需求。Tom Hogan不但对这次的价格增长表示欢迎,还呼吁加工业要在养猪户历经艰难的两年后,多关切一下爱尔兰所有养猪场的微妙财政状况。当前价格处于生产保本水平,但要是想要确保爱尔兰排行第三的农业产业潞傍发展,就需要在2017年重新收归过去蒙受的经济损失。

标签: 猪肉  稳健  需求  推动  猪价  上涨  IRELAND  The  市场分析  



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