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由于猪流行性腹泻免疫消散 猪流行性腹泻的免疫程序

来源: 最后更新:22-06-27 07:52:14


  US - The Swine Health Information Center urges continued biosecurity as immunity to PED resulting from exposure dissipates, writes Bruce Cochrane.Although the level of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in the US is low, there is still virus circulating.Dr Paul Sundberg, the Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center, says improved biosecurity and a buildup of natural immunity as herds have been exposed have helped reduce the level of PED but that natural immunity may be short lived.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,由于猪流行性腹泻的免疫露馅消散,生猪健康信息中央敦促持久的生物安全。尽管猪流行性腹泻病在美国严重程度较低,但仍有病毒传播。生猪健康信息中央的执行理事保罗桑德博格(Paul Sundberg)博士说,“由于自然免疫十分暂时,提高生物安全和积累自然免疫能帮助露馅在户外的猪群减少猪流行性腹泻这种程度疾病的危害”。

标签: 猪流行性腹泻  生物安全  养猪行情  



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