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来源: 最后更新:22-06-24 05:36:06


  UK - A report issued by AHDB Pork has revealed the price farmers and pig producers are receiving for their pigs has fallen by a third in a little over two years and should this trend continue it is feared many will be forced to leave the industry.Produced by the AHDB Pork market intelligence team, the report aims to provide an overview of the pig industry in the UK and a round-up of the state of the market.Much of the findings make for grim reading. Since late 2013, the average pig price has fallen steadily, with pigs losing a third of their value in that time. Price falls have accelerated in the past 12 weeks, losing 13p/kg (around 11 per head).


标签: 英国农业及园艺局  猪肉  养猪行情  



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