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北美生产商承诺对猪肉生产负责 美国猪肉企业

来源: 最后更新:22-06-21 03:21:59


  CANADA, US and MEXICO - North American pork producer leaders meeting last week in Whistler, British Columbia, confirmed the industry’s common focus on producing nutritious, sustainable and affordable pork.Hosted by the Canadian Pork Council (CPC), the meeting was attended by representatives of the CPC, the National Pork Producers Council and the Mexican pork producer organization, Confederación de Porcicultores Mexicanos (CPM).“It was gratifying to see how pork producers from our three countries all recognize they have a fundamental role in maintaining the foundation of a healthy, safe, environmentally sustainable and affordable food supply,” said CPC Chair Rick Bergmann.

  北美猪肉生产商领导者会议上周在不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)惠斯勒(Whistler)召开。会议明确了行业在营养、可持续发展和可支付得起的猪肉上的共同关注焦点。加拿大猪肉委员会主持这次会议,与会者有加拿大猪肉委员会(CPC)、国家猪肉生产商委员会、墨西哥猪肉生产商组织和CPM的代表。CPC主席瑞克·伯格曼(Rick Bergmann)说:“令人可喜的是我们三个国家(加拿大、美国、墨西哥)的猪肉生产商都认识到他们在维护健康、安全、可持续性和价格实惠的食品供应上发挥的基础性作用。”

标签: 北美猪肉生产商  营养  可持续性  养猪行情  



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