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来源: 最后更新:22-06-20 07:50:26


  CANADA - Hypor is growing the number of pigs it tests by 25 percent with the addition of several Pig Performance feeding stations at its nucleus facility in Abernethy, Saskatchewan.The new Pig Performance feeding stations will be installed by June 2016.“By increasing our feeding stations we’ll be able to collect more phenotypes and make faster genetic improvements for the whole swine industry,” says Hypor Director of Research and Development Abe Huisman.The Nedap Pig Performance Test stations record the amount of feed intake and the weight of the animal each time the pig visits the feeder.

  由于Hypor公司在萨斯喀彻温省Abernethy市的核心设施添加了几个生猪生产性能立,进行测试的生猪数目增长了25%。新的生猪生产性能立将在2016年6月竣工。Hypor公司研究与发展主管亚伯·休赫曼(Abe Huisman)说:“我们通过增添的饲养立能够收集更多的表型,使整个生猪行业的遗传改良进程更快。” Nedap生猪性能测试立能够记录生猪进食的数量和每一次生猪去饲料槽时的分量。

标签: 遗传改良  生猪行业  养猪行情  



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