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欧盟猪价:许多国家报价不断增长 国际猪价走势大涨

来源: 最后更新:22-06-19 02:35:11


  EU - Uphill at last! After a long lean period, the European pig slaughter market is finally appearing optimistic again with the pig prices going up.Almost all quotations were able to rise. Once again, the ice was broken by the leading German quotation. The Danish quotation moved further sideward.The price increase moves between a corrected 1.7 cents in France and 4 cents in Germany. Currently, the demand from China provides particular relief of the European market. This is stated by market participants from various member countries.Such rapid increase of demand is also supported by the current figures. According to these, the Chinese imports doubled in March, compared to the same month last year. The EU serves as main supplier.


标签: 报价  生猪屠宰市场  欧盟  养猪行情  



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