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这是什么意思用英语怎么说 这是什么意思用英文说

来源: 最后更新:22-05-24 07:02:51

导读:1、你这是什么意思? What do you mean by that?2、这是怎么回事?这是什么意思?What is the meaning of this?3、这是什么意思?我会照顾我自己的。What do you

1、你这是什么意思? What do you mean by that?

2、这是怎么回事?这是什么意思?What is the meaning of this?

3、这是什么意思?我会照顾我自己的。What do you mean? I can take care of myself.

4、你意识到这是什么意思。You realize what this means.

5、你疯了吗?这是什么意思?What are you, nuts? What is this? What do you mean?

6、你说你不在这里,这是什么意思?What do you mean, youre not here?

7、能不能告诉我这是什么意思?Could you tell me what this means?

8、你能理解这是什么意思吗?Can you make out what this means?

标签: 这是什么意思用英语怎么说  



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