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万圣节英文资料 万圣节相关资料英语

来源: 最后更新:24-04-22 10:48:48

导读:1、万圣节是什么节日?万圣夜是诸圣节(All Hallows Day)的前夜。意思是在纪念所有圣人(All Hallows)的那一天要举行的弥撒(Mass)。万圣节通常与灵异的事物联系起来。欧洲传统上认为万圣夜是鬼怪世界

1、万圣节是什么节日?万圣夜是诸圣节(All Hallows Day)的前夜。意思是在纪念所有圣人(All Hallows)的那一天要举行的弥撒(Mass)。万圣节通常与灵异的事物联系起来。


翻译:What is Halloween?

Halloween is the eve of All Hallows Day. It means Mass to be held on the day of commemoration of all Hallows. Halloween is usually associated with spiritual things.?

European tradition holds that Halloween is the closest time in the world of ghosts. Anoka, Minnesota, USA, is known as the World Halloween Capital and holds large-scale cruises every year to celebrate it.



翻译:The Origin of Halloween

Celtic believed that the Sun God helped them grow crops. But every year, the Sun God is attacked and imprisoned for six months by an evil force called Samhain.?

The Celtics were terrified of the night of October 31, for there were evil spirits lurking everywhere. They set fire at home to let the evil spirits leave their homes. The Celtics would put on a terrible disguise to drive away the evil spirits. This is the prototype of Halloween.



翻译:Halloween customs

Make trouble without giving candy. Halloween is a mysterious holiday in the eyes of children. The children put on colorful costumes, strange masks, put on a Jack Lamp and ran out to play.?

A group of children dressed up as demons, carrying Jack Lamp, ran to the neighbors door and shouted, Give money or give food.

标签: 万圣节英文资料  



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