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来源: 最后更新:24-02-17 05:47:10

导读:示例:The annual international nurses day is on May 12. The festival is to commemorate the founder of modern nurs

示例:The annual international nurses day is on May 12. The festival is to commemorate the founder of modern nursing disciplines - Lawrence nightingale, established in 1912. Set up international nurses day is the basic principle of advocacy, inherit and carry forward the nightingale take the bull by the horns, dedicated, heal the wounded and rescue the dying, dedicated humanitarian spirit.

Between 1854 and 1856, the British and French troops fighting with Russia. , director of the nightingale, as a nurse in a hospital in the UK with a staff of 38 nurses on the front line, take part in the work of nursing patients. When medical management confusion, poor quality of care, patients mortality rates as high as 42%. In this case, the nightingale was determined with great concentration to improve the health condition of the ward, and strengthen the nursing care of patients and nutrition. After six months, the hospital mortality rate dropped to 2.2% of patients. The story spread all over Europe. In London in 1860, she founded the first formal nurse school in the world. Her nurse work monographs, became the basis of hospital management, nursing education teaching materials. Given the nightingale to promote the development of nursing and nurse education all over the world, so was regarded as the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale died in his sleep in 1910, the international council of nurses her birthday is on May 12, as the international nurses day.

In 1912, the international council of nurses to Florence Nightingale, was born, on May 12, as the international nurses day, to encourage the nurses to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the nursing career, with love, patience, careful, responsible, treat every patient, do a good job in nursing work. Originally called hospital day, also known as the nightingale,, known as the international nurses day in China. Nursing work in the day, a strong propaganda, encourage the nurses to learn to heal the wounded and rescue the dying of the humanitarian spirit, has become the worlds countries nursing profession one of the event.







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