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在下午三点英语怎么说 在下午三点英语如何说

来源: 最后更新:22-05-13 04:17:28

导读:1、At three in the afternoon.例句:Im sorry, I wont be free until 12 on Tuesday. Can I see him at three in the aft

1、At three in the afternoon.例句:Im sorry, I wont be free until 12 on Tuesday. Can I see him at three in the afternoon that day? 对不起,我星期二12点之前没空。可以订在那天下午的三点吗?

2、At 3 p.m.例句:You know, I bought it at 3 p. m. yesterday. 你知道,我昨天下午3点买的。

标签: 在下午三点英语怎么说  



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