来源: 最后更新:22-09-11 09:34:57
1、Don’t be afraid,the kite has wind,the dolphin has the sea,you still have me.别怕,风筝有风,海豚有海,你还有我。
2、Each youth will be old,but I hope that,your memories have been good.每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。
3、I want to write a letter into your dream,but I never know the address.我想写一封信,寄到你的梦里,但是我从来不知道你梦的地址。
4、I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor,and the power to laugh, little leisure with nothing to do.我希望这一天能够带给我幽默感,笑的力量和无事可做的片刻休闲。
5、The world is big,big but a heart;go far,far away but a dream.世界很大,大不多一颗心,走得再远,远不过一场梦。
6、Spring breeze miles,less than to meet;clear blue skies,not as good as you are in my heart.春风十里,不及相遇有你;晴空万里,不及心中有你。
7、Dont take yourself too seriously.Happiness is largely a choice.Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life.把自己看得轻一点,快乐在很大程度上,是一种选择,为你生命中所拥有的美好,心怀感激吧!
8、Make other happy,have big dream,enjoy the journey,grab every single morsel of happiness,which comes your way.Be on the look out for moments of pleasure.带给别人快乐,拥有远大的理想,享受你的旅途。抓住旅途中点滴的快乐,珍惜每个开心和奇迹的瞬间。
9、Everybody wants success.Some people aim for it;others just talk bout it.We all know what it looks like when someone else has it.Often times it just seems like something too far out of reach.每个人都渴望成功。有的人努力去争取,有的人只是说是而已。我们都知道一个真正成功了的人是什么样的,但是很多时候那个样子看起来是那么的遥不可及。
10、When Times become difficult(and you know they sometimes will).remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness.Remember how it made you feel,and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.当你身陷困境的时候(你有时会),回想你生命中快乐和幸福的时刻。回想它是如何使你快乐,你便有了走出困境的勇气。
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